Tuesday, April 10, 2007


It's late. And it takes so little to entertain me at this hour.

A certain YouTube-ing was brought to my attention and I feel it only right to share it with you all. Chances are, actually, you saw it weeks ago, chuckled, rolled your eyes and will judge me for being so behind the hip-culture times and posting this like it's new-news.

Judge on. It only affirms my love for the film, my breath holding until I can own my very own copy and my longing for semi-appropriate occasions for which to purchase it for other people under the guise of a gift so as not to seem like I'm strangely forcing it on you. Which I would otherwise.

I urge you. Visit here. Turn up the sound and go ahead, let the goodness wash over you (even if you all already saw it last week when it circulated your offices. I remember when I had an office once...).

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