Sunday, March 04, 2007


Study group goes horribly awry.

It all started out with good intentions.

My presentation group for class was meeting at my house to assemble our poster board for tomorrow's big ado. Our topic was very gynecological (as opposed to mildly gynecological??...) in nature (apparently my subconscious theme of the this semester's project work was all below the female belt. Nice.) and it was joked that perhaps we ought to include a somewhat coyly entertaining and subtle photo of the group on the presentation poster. Alright, it was mainly that infamous lab partner (in blue) and I who proposed it. We proposed it, laughed at our own joke for the better part of about ten minutes, continued to allude to it until everyone else was browbeaten into it. But in our defense, they DID agree to go along with it.

Tomorrow we present on techniques for, what they call, spontaneous vaginal delivery.

Get it?

It took me a few seconds, but that picture is HILARIOUS.
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