Thursday, June 29, 2006


"Adult" Swim

I've taken to going to the neighborhood pool some evenings so far this summer. Though the thought of the sheer amount of human urine that is actually in a pool may deter some, I have spent years honing my ability to test the chlorinated pH of a pool by the mere drying of my skin after a few refreshing laps. It doesn't bother me. The more you (and I know you do...) pee, the more chlorine they just pour right on in there.. My skin is currently moderately itchy and has a very thin white layer of fine grit on it -- all is right with the world (and my swimming pool).

All urine aside, the most entertaing part of the swim is the almighty "adult swim". The most soothing 15 minutes of the hour. Much to their chagrin, kids are forced from the waters, toys and all, and left along the sides to watch the "adults" swim about merrily.

{SIDEBAR: I secretly worry that someone may still call me out of the pool for the adult swim (sometimes I just don't feel like an adult -- I don't feel old enough) -- but since I've noticed that I look at least 7-10 years older than the life guards that they are probably more apt to leave me be in the pool (as long as I behave myself). I was once reminded that most of the free world will consider you an "adult" when you can A) buy beer and porn and B) have a 401K. }

However, with regards to this "Adult Swim", my questions here are these:

Enjoy the summer. And take the utmost delight in your Adult Swims. Do your part and show up at :45 at any pool just to rub it in.

LOL. I love Adult Swim. I remember as a child sitting by the pool, anxiously waiting for that interminable 15 minutes to end.
LOL. I love Adult Swim. I remember as a child sitting by the edge of the pool waiting for those interminable 15 minutes to end.
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